
Move the Mountain is a Spirit-led, Spirit-filled Christian company whose purpose is to educate and empower people to achieve victory in all areas of their lives by using the living and active word of God.  MtM’s Founder, Kate Henry, has designed a collection of clothing that uses graphic text to declare powerful biblical verses of protection and blessing for it’s wearers to claim, helping them to stand on God’s word and literally wrap themselves in the armor of His promises.

MtM believes in giving back to the One who gives all good gifts, and will give 20% of its profits to various Christian charities and organizations.  MtM’s “current charity”, which will change periodically, will be featured on its website with 20% of all profits going to support that particular charity.

MtM’s objective is to raise world-wide awareness to the life-changing power that is available to all believers in Christ, through believing in and speaking God’s word.  Through knowledge of His word and its power, MtM plans to equip and empower the saints on Earth to withstand anything the world brings against them, setting the world on fire for Christ, one word of God at a time.  



We believe God is a loving Father who longs for His children to know the depths of His love for them and to know the power they have to withstand the enemy through the promises He has made to them in the Bible.  There is great power in the name of Jesus, and great power in speaking and believing in God's word.

We believe God wants His children to stop walking the Earth like powerless victims, helpless to every attack or illness the enemy throws at them, and start walking in their Kingdom authority like the sons and daughters of the King that they are!

Through belief in His son, Jesus, we are given the power to move mountains!

"For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he said." Mark 11:23