Current Cause

Move the Mtn, LLC is committed to giving back to the One who gave it - God, that is - the Giver of all good gifts.  We plan to do that by giving 20% of profits to our "Current Cause".

We are thrilled to announce that our Current Cause for 2020 is Operation Care! We look forward to partnering with an organization that shares our vision for helping impoverished families while sharing the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ.

Below is Operation Care's Mission Statement and Vision, along with the link to their website.


Operation Care International exists to glorify God. In obedience to His will, we connect impoverished children and the homeless to Jesus Christ by providing for their spiritual and physical needs through God’s provisions both at home and abroad.


In obedience to God, Operation Care International facilitates worldwide opportunities to experience the love of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life.